A Place of
Courageous Hospitality
We are about to enter the most sacred time of the Church year. Holy Week begins with the liturgies of Passion (Palm) Sunday. Christians throughout the world remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem amid crowds, shouting “Hosanna,” waving palm branches and placing their cloaks on the ground where the donkey bearing him would walk.
By the end of this day’s liturgy we will also remember how quickly the crowds turned on Jesus, shouting, “Crucify him!” and sending him to the death of a criminal.
Eco-Palms: It is the tradition of the Church to distribute palm branches. For many years, St. Vincent's has purchased palm fronds through the Center for Integrated National Resources and Agricultural Management. This provides income to Guatemalan and Mexican farmers at a Fair Trade level. These farmers practice sustainable forestry, protecting palm populations and the forest. More information is available at ecopalms.org